Matches: 5.
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Western Transdanubia, Pannonhalma
Western Transdanubia, Pannonhalma
Western Transdanubia, Pannonhalma
Western Transdanubia, Pannonhalma
type: bazilikaWestern Transdanubia, Pannonhalma
type: arborétum, botanikus kert, domb, emlékmű, emlékhely, kiállító-, bemutatóterem, museum, szobor, templom, műemlék, műemlék jellegű, bazilika, kilátó, aktív turizmus, borturizmus, hagyományőrzés, gasztronómiaThrough the centuries, the life of the Benedictine monks of the Archabbey Pannonhalma was closely connected with grapes and wine. The Archabbey had its own winery until the time that all church proper... ... ...
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