Matches: 10.
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Northern Hungary, Mátraderecske
type: pension I.Northern Hungary, Mátraderecske
type: rural accommodation, guest houseNorthern Hungary, Mátraderecske
type: rural accommodationNorthern Hungary, Mátraderecske
type: private accommodationNorthern Hungary, Mátraderecske
type: rural accommodation, guest houseNorthern Hungary, Mátraderecske
type: rural accommodation, wellness szállodaNorthern Hungary, Mátraderecske
type: guest houseMÁTRADERECSKE is to be found in Heves county, at the northern feet of the Mátra. The hills, the valleys, the brook, the spa water, the fresh air and the hospitable people will make you relax and enjoy... ... ...
Northern Hungary, Mátraderecske
type: rural accommodation, guest houseNorthern Hungary, Mátraderecske
type: rural accommodation 4, rural accommodationNorthern Hungary, Mátraderecske
type: rural accommodation 4, private accommodation, guest houseStart new search