Lenti Thermal Bath and St. George Energy Park

Lenti Thermal Bath and St. George Energy Park adatai:
Lenti Thermal Bath and St. George Energy Park
8960   Lenti
Táncsics M. u. 2/a.
36 (92) 351 770
all yearben

An oasis for relaxation

In the Lenti Thermal Bath 5 outdoor, 3 indoor /children’s, swimming, fun and medicinal/ pools and a partially covered hydro-massage pool, as well as an 8-hectare green area. await visitors who wish to relax, recuperate and regenerate.

The largest pool has an area of 1340 m2 with a wild water river, neck-massage, massage benches, and a 74m-long Anaconda fun-slide.
(It is running from 31. Mai to 31. August 2008.!)

40 000 year-old medicinal power

The water of the Lenti bath is sodium-hydro-carbonated medicinal water originating 40 000 years ago, and is known all over Europe. It is suitable for the treatment of locomotor diseases, joint, spinal and other back problems. The effect of the medicinal water is further enhanced by the beneficial radiation in the Saint George Energy Park.
Courses of medical treatments with the medicinal water are also available.


It is not advisable for you to use the baths if you have arrhythmia or have had a heart attack in the past 3 months, or if you have high blood-pressure, multiple sclerosis, advanced liver or kidney problems. People with a fever or any infectious or contagious disease are also advised against using the Lenti bath.

Benefical terrestrial radiation in Lenti, Thermal Bath!

St George Energy Park is located at the meeting-points of medicinal energy lines ensuring more efficient relaxation, recreation and cure for the guests due to the joint effect of the medicinal water and the exceptional energy of its area.
Bioenergetic natural therapists have detected that there is medicinal St George radiation in the area of the spa, the star-shaped system of which forms a part of the energy network of the Earth.
Every disease is the consequence of energy deficiency. The radiation in the area of the Energy Park restores this energy deficiency to the right level. It harmonises energy flow in the whole body, making an impact not only on a single organ but the whole organism. Radiation facilitates the operation of the basic functions and triggers autotherapeutical processes that restore physical and mental balance.
It is worth spending 1-2 hours in the St George Energy Park at each occasion. You can combine your stay with a short walk or some exercise. The paved part of the park indicates the direction of the St George lines, while the ’posts’ mark the meeting-points of these lines where terrestrial radiation is the most pronounced. It is worth spending 20-30 minutes at these places.
St George radiation in itself bears a curing effect. An interactive effect with the medicinal water undoubtedly develops. The curative effect of the water is possibly further intensified by the radiation.

We would like our guests to have highly efficient relaxation and convalescence resulting from the dual effect of the medicinal water and this unique energetic place.


Lenti and the surrounding valley of River Kerka has several natural and cultural attractions for visitors to enjoy.
A 30 km bicycle route, and a further 80 kms of routes suitable for cycling, walking paths, and Hungary’s longest narrow-gauge railway (32kms) in a woodland setting offer an unforgettable experience.

The Budafa Arboretum shows a rich collection of the flora. in Hungary.

Also worth visiting are the 17th century baroque Roman Catholic church, the Museum of Wood Industry and the History of Railways, the local Ethnographic Collection in Lenti, as well as the unique church in Szécsisziget. Local handicrafts are best represented by folk pottery and the woven fabrics of Hetés.
